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Happy Birthday – Love “the Universe” xxx

I think it was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – he who taught the Beetles TM – who once said (and I am definitely paraphrasing here) …

“In remembrance of your creation – on the day of your birth – the Universe cries out in celebration and joy!”

If this is true – and personally I think it is – we might ask ourselves … why? Granted – some people – Captain Tom Moore for example – might indeed be worthy of a shout out from the Universe, along side all those “key workers” putting their lives on the line at the moment in order to keep us safe. But what about those of us less spectacular and more … ordinary … in our nature and life?

From the universal perspective ALL are equally as special as each other! ALL unique and perfect and needed by the Divine to fulfil the Divine plan and purpose and steer the world and all those that live in and on it towards Ascension – enlightenment and a return to Source. Because EVERYONE has a part to play – however big, however small – which is essential for the Universal clockwork to “keep on ticking”!

In fact this is I think one of the best ways to think of it – as a clockwork mechanism full of cogs both big and small. The big cogs – the Captain Tom’s and Doctors, Nurses, Carers, Paramedics, Porters, Ambulance Drivers, Fire and Police People (and granted I suppose world leaders, religious figure heads and maybe even celebrities) are the big cogs. The movers and shakers, the influencers – to use a millennial phrase – who effect more and more people about them through their actions. The small cogs – whose presence maybe only turns one wheel or gear – you and I, our friends and family – might only have a limited sphere of influence globally or universally speaking BUT are essential – as essential as the big cogs are – in keeping the clockwork ticking! In fact although we might ourselves only effect one or two or three other cogs – or people – they in turn will effect three others, or six others, or seven … and those three, six or seven – three, six or seven more!

Each person then playing their unique part – whether they know it or not – challenging and teaching, guiding and healing, helping and hindering those that need to be hindered, helped, healed, guided and challenged at the right moment in time!

All contributing in their own way towards Universal Ascension.

And so the Universe cries out – in joy and jubilation – that we were created, that we are here – doing the wonderful job that only we alone can do – being us as best we can at any given moment in time as the clockwork ticks on!

And so on that note I say to anyone and everyone whose birthday it is today (like me) or anyone who is about to celebrate this most special of days in these most unusual and challenging times – HAPPY BIRTHDAY –  from me and the Universe! You are wanted – you are needed and YOU are doing a wonderful job by just being YOU!

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