Magick, Spiritual

Happy Birthday Mum

Today would have been my Mums 94th birthday – she passed three years ago – four years next month and although now most days I tend not to think about it too much there are moments when I miss her so much I can barely breathe.

Still … I know I am the lucky one … because I still get to talk with her!

Today – whilst doing my usual lunchtime walk – I tuned into her and felt her smiling presence draw close. When we talk in this way its not unlike how it used to be when I phoned her every day when she was alive. We chat about this and that, something and nothing … I ask how she and my Dad (also in Spirit) are and she asks me about Andrew (my partner) and my dog, my brother and my sister.

Today she told me that in the Spirit world – on your birthday – you get the day off! Mum “works” as a visitor to the newly dead, befriending those who have no one waiting for them on the “other side” and helping them orientate themselves and my Dad works in the healing gardens of peace. When I asked her what she’d been up to she said she’s been to visit my sister and my brother before coming to see me. 

My brother lives in Germany now and it always make me giggle to think of Mum and Dad tripping about the world when in life they never left the UK ever! I asked her how she got in Germany what with the language barrier and all and she explained that she can now hear the thoughts and intentions of people and so although she doesn’t speak German she understands clearly what is being said. It’s a bit like watching a dubbed film – she said laughing!

This evening – she explained – once everyone else gets home from work they had a party planned for her, she counted off a list of her dead relatives and friends who would be attending and it surprised me (and saddened me a little) to think that she knew so many spirit side, so many friends and relatives young and old who had gone before her.

I told her I didn’t know what to get her for her birthday and she said she needed nothing – something which she used to say in life but which is moire true now than ever it was – so … as I have done before …  I pictured the house that she lives in – in the spirit world – with my Dad and filled it with her favourite flowers – naming them to her as I did so, knowing full well that when the energy of my intention exhausted itself the flowers would simply disappear. She said they were beautiful and that I shouldn’t have.

Walk almost over I bade my farewells and told her that we all missed her and (with a tear in my eye) that I loved her. She kissed me in her usual way – a big, slightly slobbery kiss and then disappeared. 

I had wondered this morning why I felt so good getting out of bed, why the day – despite being gloomy – seemed bright and I felt full of hope … now I realise why. My Mum was the light of my life, she made my heart full to bursting with joy and laughter and love and today – on her birthday – she shared her presence and her love with me. Lifting my spirits as she always did.

Because love you see never dies, it is eternal and infinite and it endures – transcendent of life and death and the dead continue to do as they always did, sharing our homes with us, drawing close and near and spending special days close by our side. A truth which always brings me great comfort and which I hope brings you comfort too.


Happy Birthday Mum x



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