Clairvoyance, Health, love, Magick, Spirit World, Spiritual

Self Promotion!

Throughout my 29 years working as a self employed Spiritual Teacher and Clairvoyant Channel I have had to learn how to self promote!

In the beginning I found it excruciatingly difficult and relied upon others to do the heavy lifting for me – heaven knows where I would have been without Carole Humber, Elfi Courtenay, Sue Little, Anne Noon, Steve Breeson, The College of Psychic Studies and many, many others who acted as my workshop organisers and facilitators throughout the years.

There was a time when I was SO embarrassed about asking people for money that presented with the option of either confronting a “forgetful” client who didn’t seem inclined to pay at the end of a session or let them walk out of the door I would have always opted for the latter! Not the best way to be when you rely upon such money to keep the wolf from the door. But in time I toughened up and learned to be a little more confident and aware of my worth.

Don’t get me wrong these days heaven knows where I would be without Andrew Helme – who pretty much handles all that sort of thing for me BUT nowadays – at least – I manage my promotion online when it comes to social media – the blog and writing info for the website.

I realise just how difficult this is for people to do well – and I am no expert myself – but I believe that finding the balance here is essential. 

Creating enough content to get people engaged is important – but not too much that people get sick and tired of seeing you advertising your wares all the time. Remembering to give something away from time to time for free – as this endears people to you and convinces them of your genuine spiritual nature BUT don’t give too much away too often or people begin to view your work as valueless and bargain basement.

Be confident when you speak about your offerings, don’t be shy, don’t be backwards at coming forwards when you have a good product that you want people to know about BUT at the same time don’t be too full on – too arrogant and self praising in your words. It CONSTANTLY astounds me how egocentric some people can be when they write about how marvellous they are – particularly when those claims are unfounded! For me at least its a HUGE turn off!

Use testimonials when you have them BUT don’t make them up – no matter how tempted you might be – the devil is in the details and by them your lies will be exposed. Rely upon your own shine to reveal to people your beauty and power – integrity is VERY important and many more people than you might imagine are these days excellent at smelling a lie!

And finally – BE YOURSELF – don’t present yourself as you imagine people might want you to be! Thereby lies a life of pretence and living a lie – no – rather be yourself than someone elses version or vision of you – warts and all! People will in the long run respect you for it and be drawn to your individuality. My experience has always been that people like a little vulnerability, a little truth even when it exposes your faults and foibles – it makes you more human, relatable and approachable. Believe you me I know many – MANY – spiritual teachers who hide their truth under a rosey spiritual glow saying only what they believe people want to hear and they are MISERABLE! Plus when you meet them – and the mask slips – it is a terrible shock that leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

There is then ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with self promotion – NOTHING! It is the only way to let people know who you are, what you do and why they need to benefit from your services! Be bold then, believe in yourself and let your light shines and your wonder be seen. Self promotion is part of your spiritual work – you deserve to be seen and the world needs to know who and where you are. 

Take a deep breath and dare to shine!


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