Magick, Seasonal, Spiritual, World Events

Earth Healing

Our world is in need of healing – this much surely is clear – whether you believe in climate change (and in my opinion who with a brain wouldn’t) or whether your concern lies more with pollution – energetic (Wifi, 5G etc) or pharmaceutical (pesticides and toxic waste) – our world is in need! Add to this spiritual pollution –…

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I see dead people …

As we approach Samhein (Halloween to most) the veil between the world of the living and the dead becomes thin – as the energy of the “old year” passes and the energy of the “new year” rushes in. The thinning of the veil is not a sudden thing but a gradual shift – just as the exchange of yearly energy…

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A little light reading …

On the third day of our holiday we slowed and pottered … we had what my Mother would call “a lazy day” – which allowed me to catch up with some over due reading! A dear friend of mine – thank you Sue – bought me this book for my birthday! I’ve always been a sucker for a “spiritual biography”…

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Totem Animals


As mentioned before Totem animals can be not only those creatures that we know now upon the Earth but other creatures too. Creatures that we might consider to be nothing more than legend and fantasy but which are in truth creatures of the elemental realm. Pegasus is one such creature – born of the blood of the Gorgon Medusa and…

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Fairy Folk

The Strong Wee Folk

Ask someone in the street about the Fairy folk and they will talk to you about Tinkerbell and Flower Fairies! Tutu wearing wide eyes girls with dragonfly wings and wands with stars on the end. This is the image we have been sold, a relatively modern day fairy folk, largely disempowered from their origins in the folk law of our…

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Fairy Folk

Fury Dust

In Peter Pan it’s Fairy Dust that makes the Darling children fly (that and a happy thought) but real Fairy Dust – and such thing does indeed exist – doesn’t have quite the same effect but it does do something similar. For the Fairy Folk have the power to lift the spirits of those who have fallen – emotionally –…

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Fairy Folk, Uncategorized

All Around Us

Once upon the fairy folk lived all around us, dancing with us side by side under the light of the full moon, sharing their sacred groves. Once upon a time the Fairy Folk aided us in our endeavours, invited into our homes, tending our gardens, milking our cows. Then the Christian folk came – seeing the Fairy Folk as demons…

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Fairy Folk

The Wee Folk

It’s an odd thing to think of elementals as being seasonal but in truth – in a way – they are! As the energy of plants and trees recedes into the Earth as the warmth of Summer fades to the harsh coldness of Winter so too do the elementals leave our land en large and return home to the Other…

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The Power of the Green

There is no denying it – there is a slight sense of Autumn in the air! An early morning nip of cold, a sudden dimming of the light at the end of the day, a diminishment of green as if the colour were already beginning to drain from the trees and grasses. For those of us who loathe the unrelenting…

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